Change is not a Thing

Can one truly advocate for “change” to happen? Here’s what a mean: 

Change is not a thing:  Change is what happens when an existing thing becomes a different thing. In other words, in order for change to happen you need a “before” and “after.”  Without he the “after” there is no change.

Examples: The existing CEO is replaced by a new CEO: the CEO has changed.  Your current weight drops 10 pounds: your weight has changed.  Instead of sleeping until 8am you start waking up at 6:30 and go to the gym: your morning routine has changed. 

The point is to say that advocating for “Change” to happen is meaningless without a vision for what the New thing is meant to be.   The current CEO might be doing a really bad job, but simply “advocating for change” will not solve the problem.  You advocate for a the NEW qualities that the CEO should have–You advocate for the solution to the problems, not change itself.  Change will be a result of that, but Change itself should not be a solution. 

So while you might be able to advocate for “Change” to happen, without a clear definition of what the”New” thing is supposed to be, advocating for Change is worthless–like investing in lottery tickets as a plan for retirement.  You should advocate for things, not change.